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Tag: fresh graduate

RS mata achmad wardi

RS Mata Achmad Wardi

RS Mata Achmad Wardi merupakan rumah sakit mata pertama di dunia yang berbasis wakaf. Rumah sakit khusus mata yang didirikan oleh Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) bekerjasama dengan Dompet Dhuafa (DD)

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polyplex films indonesia

PT. Polyplex Films Indonesia

A new Company named “PT Polyplex Films Indonesia” has been incorporated in Indonesia on 11th October 2017 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Polyplex (Thailand) Public Company Limited. This is

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wilmar international

Wilmar Group

Wilmar International Limited, founded in 1991 and headquartered in Singapore, is today Asia’s leading agribusiness group. Wilmar is ranked amongst the largest listed companies by market capitalisation on the Singapore

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wahana prestasi logistik

PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik

PT. Wahana Prestasi Logistik adalah salah satu perusahaan terdepan dalam industri jasa pengiriman berbiaya rendah (dengan merek Wahana Express), logistik dan pergudangan (Wahana Logistic), serta pendukung e-commerce (Wahana Commerce). Wahana

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forisa nusapersada

PT. Forisa Nusapersada

PT. Forisa Nusapersada was established in 1995, focusing on the production and marketing of various beverages, particularly in the form of pulverized powder, that are of high quality and of

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perfect companion group

PT. Perfect Companion Group

Perfect Companion Group (PCG) adalah perusahaan makanan hewan kesayangan kelas dunia yang dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri produk hewan kesayangan. PCG dibangun untuk memperluas dan mendukung spesialisasi Charoen Pokphand Group

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diachem resins indonesia

PT. Diachem Resins Indonesia

PT. Diachem Resins Indonesia (DRI) is a rapid growing PMA chemical manufacturer, joint venture of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Japan. By expanding our production capacity, we need to expand aggressively our

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mcdelica food indonesia

PT. MCdelica Food Indonesia

PT MCDelica Food Indonesia was established in May 2019 and fully owned by Mitsubishi Corporation. Combining Japanese technology and production know-how in Indonesia, we aim to be the leading frozen

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datindo infonet prima

PT. Datindo Infonet Prima

Datindo Corporation is the leading organization specializing in Banking and Office System Automation. We provide complete integrated Banking Solution, in terms of hardware and software, for banking and financial institutions.

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