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Lapi Laboratories

PT. Lapi Laboratories

Started from humble beginnings in 1974, as a producer of various allergens to diagnose and treat allergy – a pioneer of immunotherapy in Indonesia, LAPI (Laboratorium Allergen Pertama Indonesia) was established as a home industry behind a garage.

Since then, PT Lapi Laboratories (“LAPI”) has evolved to be a top ten pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Thriving to be a formidable source of high quality pharmaceutical products in Indonesia, LAPI has always prioritized improvement and innovation.

Business coverage : Ethical product, OTC product, Traditional Medicine, Food Supplement, and International Business ( Export)

Lowongan Kerja PT. Lapi Laboratories

PT. Lapi Laboratories membuka lowongan kerja untuk bulan Januari 2024 dengan penempatan di Kabupaten Serang – Banten. Berikut adalah posisi yang tersedia beserta kualifikasinya:

Document Compliance Officer
  • Pria
  • Lulusan Profesi Apoteker
  • Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 tahun di industri farmasi, OTSK, bagian : Produksi, QA, QC, Registrasi
  • Memahami CPOB, CPOTB dan regulasi terkini
  • Komunikasi baik, disiplin, jujur & bertanggung jawab

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