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Catus sukses makmur

PT. Catur Sukses Makmur

PT Catur Sukses Makmur is a company that engaged in Paper & board trading and distribution company, founded on 2012. With highly skill and experience people to delivered recommended products and having excellence system, keep our customers satisfaction and continuous support to our customers.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Catur Sukses Makmur

Saat ini PT. Catur Sukses Makmur sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan dengan posisi sebagai berikut


Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
  • Find new customers
  • Maintenance of existing customers
  • Offering products to new and existing customers

Kualifikasi :
  • Available for men and women (Need 4 persons)
  • Minimum senior high school graduate (SMA)
  • Can work by individual and team
  • Can work under pressure
  • No prior experience required
  • Good communication, adaptable, hard worker and fast learner
  • Honest and loyal individuals are encouraged to apply
  • Proficient in English (Intermediate)
  • Mandarin language proficiency is a plus
  • Must be able to drive car and ride motorcycle (must have A & C license)

Location : Karawaci, Tangerang

If you mind, please send your application and CV to :

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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