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kolon ina

PT. Kolon Ina

PT. KOLON INA has produced under the technology of Kolon Industries Inc., Korea who has earned recognition from various International Standardization Association such as US FDA, German BGA, Japan Food Hygiene, UL and has gained ISO 9002 from BSI.

KOLON INA was established on 22nd July, 1995 as PT. KOLON INA in accordance with the foreign investment law of Indonesia (409/I/PMA/1995), between KOLON INDUSTRIES,INC. ( KOREA ) and Indonesian Company. KOLON INDUSTRIES,INC is the one of major film manufacturing companies in the world. With its development of polyester base film in 1985, KOLON INDUSTRIES,INC entered the film business, making rapid and continued progress by diversifying its product lines into nylon film, DFR and graphic art film. KOLON has earned recognition from various international standardization associations, such as US FDA, German BGA, Japan Food Hygiene, UL and has gained ISO 9002 in 1995 from BSI.

KOLON INA manufactures Polyester and Nylon base film for food packaging. The company started Commercial Production of Polyester Film since April 1997 and has succeeded to supply to the food manufacturers of Indonesia, United States, Europe and Asia. The company also has started Commercial Production of Nylon Film since January 1998. KOLON INA is operating with the Production and Management System of KOLON INDUSTRIES, INC. in Korea. The company has the leading market share in Indonesia film market. To enhance the knowledge and skill of the employees, KOLON INA has provided educational and training programs both in Indonesia and Korea. The factory and office are located at Ciujung, Serang, Banten of Indonesia. (80km far from Jakarta).

Lowongan Kerja PT. Kolon Ina

saat ini PT. Kolo Ina sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk mengisi berbagai macam posisi

Staff Marketing Export

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
  • Menangani  Pelanggan Ekspor
  • Membuka Pangsa Pasar di Jepang
  • Berkomunikasi lisan dan tulisan (Jepang <-> Inggris <-> Indonesia)

Kualifikasi :
  • Laki – laki 
  • Lulusan S1 atau Diploma dipersilahkan
  • Mengerti bahasa Jepang
  • Bisa menerjemahkan dokumen 
  • Bisa berkomunikasi lisan dan tulisan (Jepang <-> Inggris <-> Indonesia)
  • Bisa bekerja dengan Tim dan Individu
  • Bersedia bekerja di Serang – Banten

Staff Export Import

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
  • Menggunakan Aplikasi CEISA
  • Menangani Pekerjaan Ekspor dan Impor
  • Menjadi Ahli Kepabeanan di Perusahaan
  • Menerbitkan PIB dan PEB

Kualifikasi :
  • Memiliki Sertifikat Kepabeanan
  • Lulusan SMA Sederajat dipersilahkan
  • Berpengalaman dibidang Ekspor – Impor
  • Mahir menggunakan Aplikasi CEISA
  • Bisa bekerja dengan Tim dan Individu
  • Bersedia bekerja di Serang – Banten

Benefit :
  • BPJS TK dan BPJS Kes
  • Premi Kehadiran
  • Makan
  • THR
  • Mess

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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