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brawijaya hospital

Brawijaya Hospital

We started humbly as Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital on the 17th of September 2006, located in Antasari South Jakarta. Our commitment kept growing from providing healthcare services for Women & Children to expanding our services to General Hospitals in the most prominent areas. All the way from Jakarta to Bandung.

Fast-moving, always upgrading, always seizing opportunities to expand our health services aggressively, we continued to reach more area coverage ¬to more areas of Jakarta and greater Jakarta like Depok and Tangerang.

The more areas we cover, the more our services are open to everyone. From regular patients, insurance patients, to BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Tenaga Kerja patients, we are ready to give them the health services they need and deserve.

Brawijaya Group also extended its commitment to implement the best services for customers and stakeholders. After all, expansion would be meaningless if not accompanied with excellent services.

Lowongan Kerja Brawijaya Hospital Tangerang

Saat ini Brawijaya Hospital sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk poisis dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut

IT Support Staff

Requirements :

1. Pendidikan S1 Ilmu Komputer/Sistem Informasi
2. Memahami alur proses sistem pelayanan BPJS di RS
3. Memahami program Windows (Client dan Server)
4. Mampu mengatasi trouble shooting
5. Pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 1 tahun (memiliki pengalaman menggunakan TeraMedik, SIMRS, dan software Odoo)

If you are the one that we’re looking for, kindly check the requirements and send your updated CV to the email address below,

(format subject : Name – IT Support)

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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