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arkadia works

Arkadia Works

Arkadia Works is a professional design & construction interior architecture firm founded on the belief that ideas and skilled craftsmanship are essential in enriching people’s lives.

Arkadia Works provide finest quality, excellent service, punctuality and partnership during the entire project.

Arkadia Works team affiliated as the member of GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia), IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects), HDII (Indonesian Society of Interior Designers), PII (The Institution of Engineers Indonesia), IAKKI (Indonesian Institute of Safety Professional Experts), and GAPEKSINDO (Indonesian Construction Company Association).

Lowongan Kerja Arkadia Works

Saat ini, Arkadia Works sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk di tempatkan di Cikande, Kab. Serang – Banten dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

HSE Officer (Project based Contract)

Kualifikasi :

  • Having EHS (Environment-Health-Safety) Certification issued by Departemen Tenaga Kerja a must
  • HSE Officer will introduce an HSE system to all employees located in project and doing toolbox meeting regularly.
  • Control the day-to-day operations including auditing, meetings, training and updating documents and records for all aspects of the systems
  • Evaluate and analyze quality issues both on and off project sites and introduce corrective and preventive action
  • Liaise with management and staff to ensure continued QHSE integration into core operations
  • Monitor and ensure that all Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental legislation is complied with and ensure a safe working environment for all team members within a busy project schedules and service environment.
  • Conduct Continuous Improvement processes to improve processes and procedures in the ongoing project
  • Willing to be located in Cikande, Serang, Banten
  • Currently available and ready to get on board immediately

If you meet the requirements above, please kindly send your CV to :

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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