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ramayana lestari sentosa

PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk

PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk. (Ramayana) is a retailer of apparel, shoes, bags, accessories, and supermarket products as a mass market solution providing to the biggest base of Indonesian population. Ramayana has grown and prospered with the increased disposable income of average Indonesians, numbering in the tens of million families. First established as a modest effort in 1978, today Ramayana stands as a market leader in its retail segment.

With the good growth of the store, new lines of products were added to compliment the original focus of the business, which was garment and clothing. In 1985, fashion apparels such as shoes, handbags, accessories were introduced. Moving forward with optimism, Ramayana was also expanding its coverage area. In that same year, the first store outlet outside Jakarta was opened in Bandung. Recently, Ramayana has operated 113 stores which presents in 54 major cities in Indonesia with more than 12.000 employees.

Ramayana continues to provide working-class Indonesians living on islands across the archipelago with the most modern trends and styles, at reasonable prices. Ramayana champions a triune of Affordable, Quality and stylishly-designed, in line with contemporary trends.

Ramayana presents the merchandise with superior service. The customer must always feel like an honored guest, and should be comfortable when shopping. Intense competition is keyed to value – one of our Company’s core values. With inflation looming and disposable income shrinking, consumers are price-conscious as they never were before.They know prices and they know whether they can afford to buy. Our success in repeat business comes from the value-for-money of our garments and other items.

Furthermore, we believe that our strong financial and healthy balance sheet gives us the solid foundation and flexibility to grow our business.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk

PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk adalah perusahaan ritel terkemuka di Indonesia. Saat ini, mereka sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk bulan Januari 2024 di lokasi Tangerang – Banten. Berikut ini adalah posisi yang tersedia beserta kualifikasinya:

Teknisi Playland

Deskripsi Pekerjaan : 

  • Melakukan pengecekan keamanan dan kenyamanan secara rutin untuk alat-alat permainan.
  • Melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan alat permainan
  • Mengarahkan serta memberikan instruksi kepada pengunjung

Spesifikasi pekerjaan :

  • Usia maksimal 25 Tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMK Teknik Mesin atau Bangunan
  • Memiliki pengalaman 3 tahun, Diutamakan pengalaman di bagian Soft Play

Untuk Penempatan di : Cengkareng, Kodim (Kota Tangerang), Cilegon, dan Lampung

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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