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PT. Lami Packaging Indonesia (Lamipak)

Lamipak is a producer of high quality aseptic packaging that provides the best value solutions to its customers. Initially set up to mass produce paper based packages for the beverage and food industries. It was only until 2007 when the Lamipak brand formally came into existence and was granted funding to construct a manufacturing facility dedicated to aseptic packaging.

Since then, Lamipak has evolved over the past decade to become one of the leaders as an aseptic packaging solutions provider where its products and services are used in over 40 different countries around the globe. To date its volume output has nearly tripled in the space of 5 years.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Lami Packaging Indonesia

Saat ini PT. Lami Packagin Indonesia (Lamipak) sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk berberapa posisi

Quality Process Control Engineer

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Responsible for Formulation SPC (Statistic Process Control) and real time performance QC ; including evaluation methods.
  • Responsible to implement TQM (Total Quality Management) by supporting EE% and cPK improvement and performance related Quality Losses.
  • Assist Quality Manager to develop standard I-QP range and Quality Plan to achieve Zero defect target, Implement quality process control of those Quality points and/or  critical variables.
  • Propose project based to Eliminate Re-Occurance claim and develop preventive QC major quality issues and increasing CAPA efficiency.
  • Conduct process validation, by SPC evaluation (camera, thickness IR, grammage sensor, Defect Sensor) Quality Product Protective Equipment Validation and Quality Verification
  • Develop  the QA/QM matrix, for ensure stable product quality and continuous improvement.
  • Manage Quality Data performance dashboard (Data analysis). Set monthly/annual quality Key Indicators, monitoring plan, analyze cause deviation and develop improvement plans.
  • Implement the use of root cause analisys tools (7 QC Tools)  and train production process employees in their use.
  • Evaluate validity root cause and counter measure analysis for quality incidents , ensure the effectiveness and implementation.
  • Collaborate with R&D in the development of new products/processes.        
    6S and LCI quality area coordinator – Reduce Quality Losses and FTR (First Time Right)

Kualifikasi :
  • Minimum bachelor’s degree from natural sciences (Food Science, Chemistry, Biology, Chemical Engineering, etc).
  • Proven 3 years experiences in Packaging or FMCG industry as Quality Assurance or Regulatory
  • Having in-depth understanding of technical documentation and Process Validation methods, familiar with statistical analysis
  • Familiar of printing/slitting / packaging/ extrusion procesess will be considered as a plus
  • Familiar with FSSC 22000 (or other food safety management system), ISO 9001, ISO 17025, and HAS. 
  • Detail-oriented with a strong dedication to continuous improvement, quality assurance and compliance
  • Excellent communication and leadership abilities.
  • Fluent in English 

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Plate Mounting (Flexo Printing)

Operator Plate Mounting (Pemasangan Pelat) akan bertanggung jawab atas pemasangan pelat cetak (Polymer) sesuai dengan waktu dan kebutuhan Printing

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Mengikuti persyaratan dan spesifikasi produksi pada bagian penyetelan Pelat Polymer, menyelesaikan tugas pemasangan Pelat dan mencapai target efisiensi
  • Bertanggung jawab mengmastikan kualitas pemasangan, pelat cetak pada silinder  sesuai standar.
  • Membantu kebutuhan produksi departemen Printing, seperti: Plate shifting, Plate cutting, Plate replenishment.
  • Mengoperasikan dan merawat peralatan pengolahan Pelat dan komputer; serta forklift, jika diperlukan.
  • Mematuhi operasi keselamatan perusahaan, peningkatan terus-menerus a pada sistem mutu, dan sistem perlindungan lingkungan, serta peraturan manajemen lainnya.

Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan terakhir SMA atau lebih tinggi, jurusan Teknik Industri atau jurusan terkait Cetak lainnya lbeih disukai
  • Memiliki pengalaman 2 tahun dalam pembuatan Pelat Cetak / Pemasangan Pelat lebih disukai
  • Familiar dengan proses pemuatan plat dan standar kualitas
  • Memiliki keterampilan operasional yang mendukung lainnya seperti memahami operasional dasar proses cetak (Flexo, Rotogravure)
  • Mampu bekerja dengan detail, melakukan pelacakan data Pelat, dan memahami profil mesin
  • Memiliki keterampilan mekanika, perseptual, dan visualisasi yang kuat
  • Memiliki keterampilan komputer (misalnya, Microsoft Office Suite)
  • Memiliki fokus yang baik, mematuhi standar kualitas dan keselamatan.

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Ink Operator / Operator Tinta

Bertanggung jawab dalam proses persiapan Tinta (Water Based Ink) sebelum produksi pencetakan dilakukan, persiapan dilakukan meliputi mengoperasikan mesin Ink Maker, melakukan uji sampel cetak mengikuti target departemen yang telah di tentukan.

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Melakukan formulasi tinta yang mengacu pada standar warna yang sudah ditentukan sesuai permintaan pelanggan
  • Membuat formulsi tinta yang tepat sesuai dengan standar kualitas
  • Melakukan tugas produksi dan mengikuti shift di bagian ruang tinta
  • Terampil dalam menggunakan dispenser tinta / Ink Maker Machine dan fungsi pemulihan tinta untuk mengontrol jumlah tinta yang dikembalikan.
  • Bertanggung jawab pada penggunaan tinta dan mengatur persediaan tinta
  • Bertanggung jawab pada manajemen administrasi Tinta

Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan terakhir SMA, lebih disukai dari jurusan Grafika
  • Memahami konsep warna dasar dan konsep perpaduan warna dengan baik
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Operator Tinta (Water Based)
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengatur persediaan Tinta (Ink Mangement System)
  • Memahami cara merawat persediaan Tinta (Water Based) agar memiliki masa pakai dan kualitas yang baik

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Shift Leader

Responsibilities :
  • Ensure a safe working environment during the assigned shift. Actively report and address any unsafe acts or conditions to prevent accidents
  • Responsible to maintain maximum shift output as per planning, the leader should maintain good coordination with team members to optimize efficiency and productivity.
  • Lead customer complain investigations and provide corrective and preventive action report for customer
  • Identify and communicate any critical issues or concerns promptly to the management.
  • Compile a comprehensive report summarizing shift activities, including production data, issues, and accomplishments.
  • Oversee the scheduling of shift members’ leaves to ensure adequate coverage to maintain continuous production flow, even with workforce variations.
  • Monitor and control the wastage percentage of materials produced by all machines.
  • Implement and sustain the 5S methodology (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) in the machine area to enhance organization efficiency.
  • Implement people-centric management principles to ensure a positive and productive work environment.
  • Focus on maintaining high-quality standards in operations and take necessary actions to address any quality matters.


  • The candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or an equivalent degree in a related field.
  • Have 6 years of experience as a Shift Leader in the flexible packaging industry.
  • Possess knowledge of key performance indicators such as Equipment Efficiency (EE), Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), and Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEE).
  • Knowledge of microsoft office & proficient in microsoft excel .
  • No color blindess , good color perception
  • Strong data analysis and processing skills
  • WCM/ TPM experience preferred.
  • Good English communication skills are required.
  • The candidate should be driven to actively identify developmental opportunities and seek feedback on their development.

Send your CV to
subject : Shift Leader – Name

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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