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PT. Guohua Taidian Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (GHPJB)

PT Guohua Taidian Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (GHPJB) is an O&M Services Company especially for Jawa 7 Coal-fired Power Plant which is established on September 23rd, 2016. The investment comes from China Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. and the subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero), PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali.

Our office is located in Jl. Bojonegara, Desa Terate, Kec. Kramatwatu, Serang, Banten, 42161 and will be the first 2×1050 MW Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant in Indonesia by 2019.

GHPJB will rely on advanced power production management, and full integration to Indonesian culture to build an international first-class CFPP. We have a team of highly qualified international talents to provide a safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly for the social and economic development of Indonesia.

Vision: Be a Coal-fired Power Plant Operation and Maintenance services company superexcellent in Indonesia and top class in the world

Lowongan Kerja PT Guohua Taidian Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (GHPJB)

Saat ini PT Guohua Taidian Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (GHPJB) sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan priode tahun 2024 untuk para fresh graduate dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut

Position :
  1.  I&C / Electrical (Maintenance)
  2. Turbine / Boiler (Maintenance)
  3. Operator

General Requirements :
  1. All Participant should already finish their Study (Graduate in 2023/2024).
  2. Minimum Requirement for Academic: Bachelor (S1) or above D4.
  3. Minimum Requirement for Academic Point (IPK), 3.0 from 4.0.
  4. Range for age, maximum is 25 years old.
  5. Academic Background: All Technic.
  6. Health for Physical and Spiritual.
  7. Not have Family in Company.
  8. Fluent speaking foreign language:
    • HSK level 4 or above (for Mandarin), or
    • TOEFL: 500 above / TOEFL-iBT above 70 (for English).
  9. Not have Tattoo, Piercing, and clean from Drugs.
  10. Not have negative Medical History. (heart, lungs, liver, brain damage, etc).
  11. Allowed using Glasses Maximum -3 (minus 3), Cylinder 1, no Plus, and not have Color Blind.
  12. Have basic knowledge about power plant.
  13. Can work in Team and can work under pressure.

Deadline : January 23th, 2024

PERHATIAN !!! Harap berhati-hati dalam dengan segala bentuk penipuan, sangat patut dicurigai apabila dalam proses perekrutan terdapat pungutan biaya dengan alasan apapun.

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