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PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua

CAS Food trading under the name of PT Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua, is the latest additional facility of In-flight Kitchen with International standard of Food Safety and Hygiene at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta-Indonesia.

Purantara has succedeed to be come the preferred In-flight Catering Company that brings in a whole new & fresh approaches towards its clients’ needs, with its leans and efficient size of operations. This allows all staff to pay more attention to the details.

At Purantara, Food Safety and Hygiene are paramount, therefore we operate a Food Safety Management System which complies with the requirements of Food safety ISO 22000 certified by SAI Global Australia. The kitchen is also Halal certified by the Indonesian Council of Ulama.

Futhermore Purantara is also an active member of ITCA (International Travel Catering Association) since 2004. The facility is strategically located inside the area of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport with a direct access into the airside, which guarded by well-trained security staffs for 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week and also supported by an integrated computerized of CCTV systems.

Overall Purantara is part of PT CAS group, which is currently the biggest private independent company in Indonesia that integrates the business activities of aviation, food, facility management and operates through its subsidiaries.

Lowongan Kerja PT Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua

PT Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua membuka lowongan kerja untuk bulan Januari 2024 dengan penempatan di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang – Banten. Berikut ini adalah posisi yang tersedia beserta kualifikasinya:

Document Control Supervisor

Kualifikasi :

  • Min S1 Teknologi Pangan/Kimia/Biologi
  • Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman
  • Dapat mengoperasikan Komputer
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris (Lisan dan Tulisan)
  • Memiliki sertifikasi Understanding and implementation of ISO 22000:2018
  • Memiliki sertifikasi sebagai auditor internal ISO 22000:2018
  • Memiliki sertifikasi HACCP, HALAL
  • Mampu bekerja sama dalam team, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab serta jujur
  • Memiliki leadership yang tinggi
  • Mampu berkoordinasi dengan orang dalam jumlah banyak
  • Diutamakan berdomisili JABODETABEK
  • Deadline : 31 Januari 2024

Penempatan: Bandara Int. Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang

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